300 W Merrill St
Birmingham, Michigan 48009

Talk to your neighbors down the street or family across the globe for free with Skype, an Internet phone application. In this single-session class, patrons will learn how to set up a Skype account and discover its phone, video and IM capabilities. Prerequisites: Basic understanding of Windows and use of a mouse.

Location: Computer Lab

Official Website: http://host.evanced.info/baldwin/evanced/eventsignup.asp?ID=9443&rts=&disptype=&ret=eventcalendar.asp&pointer=&returnToSearch=&SignupType=&num=0&ad=&dt=mo&mo=11/1/2010&df=calendar&EventType=ALL&Lib=&AgeGroup=&LangType=0&WindowMode=&noheader=&lad=&pub=1&no

Added by dynamite_boi on November 10, 2010

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