Shenstone Park, 13/1 Harrington Road
Chennia, Tamil Nadu

Talat Aziz is a thorough professional who expresses his poetic verses with great precision collaborating feelings of love, romance and calamity moulded authentically in a ghazal format. Talat Aziz presents images of love and desire, joy and anguish; images of the varied emotions which a lover experiences.

He believes that the most important thing about a ghazal is the mood it weaves with the help of sensitive lyrics, deliberately underplayed music and rich, soothing tones of the singer. A ghazal is meant to be heard at sunset; the time to recuperate from the day's strains or the time to resurrect and as is usual relish forgotten pains.
Talat Aziz hails from an illustrious family, who were great patrons of fine arts. He took his initial training from Kirana Gharana, formed by Abdul Karim Khan Saheb. Talat was trained primarily by Ustad Samad Khan and later by Ustad Fayaz Ahmed who were great musicians of repute.
After the initial training he decided to explore the unfathomable ocean of music with Mehdi Hassan saheb and also learn music from this great singer.

Spontaneous improvisation and portrayal of the varied moods of the lyrics are his forte. There are not many contemporary ghazal singers who can assign true musical portrayal to each couplet as effortlessly as Talat can. He is musically gifted and is highly skilful in ghazals, geet or film songs. In his presentation, he always strives to establish a rapport with his co-artists and believes that it is the recipe for a good concert.

Talat Aziz is blessed with a haunting melodious voice and tremendous laya control. Among the ghazal singers he is a trend setter and is truly the most versatile legends in the world of ghazal singing.

More details about Talat Aziz can be found at

Added by Razia Sultana on January 10, 2012

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