100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, California 94102

In the heart of levee-protected suburbs along California’s American River, a middle-aged couple suffers from insistent complacency, convinced they’re immune to everything nature blows their way. When winter storms bring a catastrophic flood, they find themselves terribly deluded. Change of State’s original Take This House (and Float It Away) (58 min.) spirals into the tragicomic world of Stu and Marlene’s floodplain living room, where the couple is unable to comprehend nature’s effect on their safe, suburban sphere. As Stu hides behind “groundbreaking” research into bird gestures, Marlene extrapolates caffeinated solutions to newspaper headlines, conflating staying informed with staying afloat.

Post-show conversation with Environmental Justice Coalition for Water, Food & Water Watch, and Greywater Alliance.

Official Website: http://www.changeofstate.org

Added by Change of State Performance Proj on May 29, 2009