Hayesville, North Carolina

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Reach Of Clay County will be holding a “Take Back the Night” march, rally and vigil on April 21st from 6:00pm until 9:00pm on the square in Hayesville.

Reach is once again coordinating a Poster, Prose and Poetry Contest to promote awareness of Sexual Assault. The winners of each of these categories will receive recognition in the local papers as well as prizes. All entries must be submitted by April 17th and will be announced during the event on the square the 21st. The theme of these entries should be sexual assault, violence and/or bullying. Last year the excellence of the entries was amazing and poignant. If you have any questions regarding this competition or about the Take Back The Night vigil, please do not hesitate to contact Susan Lambert @ 828.389.0797.

We invite all of you to join us as we promote sexual assault awareness and celebrate the talents of our youth and community.

Reach is always adding to our clothesline project. The clothesline project is a vehicle for persons affected by violence to express their emotions by decorating a t-shirt which will become part of a permanent display. The t-shirts are hung on a clothesline to be viewed by others; providing awareness about sexual and domestic violence, hate crimes and child abuse.

Added by Reach of Clay County on March 27, 2009