1375 Walker Rd
Prescott, Arizona 86303

Our third annual Hiking Spree begins with a few words from our partners, GPS tips and ends with a naturalist led hike on the Stretch Pebble Loop. The Spree runs through November. This community wide event takes place each fall and can be completed at participant's own pace. People from all over the state come to Prescott in the fall to hike 8 out of 12 trails within the Prescott National Forest and the City of Prescott within the given ten weeks. Once their goal has been reached, participants return their completed brochure to the Center which is then entered into a drawing for a $100 gift certificate from Manzanita Outdoor. Also available at that time is a wooden hiking stick ($10) and a shield ($5), which can be affixed to the hiking stick. Sheilds are newly designed each year to reflect some special aspect of Arizona and are quickly becoming collector's items. See the web site for more details.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 16, 2010