99 Moseman Road
Yorktown Heights, New York 12198

A wide selection of new or gently used items such as small household goods, collectibles, jewelry, personal accessories, toys, games, books, DVD’s, CD’s, kitchenware, items suitable for college dorms. Proceeds to benefit Support Connection’s free breast and ovarian cancer support services. Donated items for sale can be dropped off Friday, April 26 from 4-7pm and Sat., Apr. 27 from 8-9:30 am. (Please no clothing, computers, textbooks, encyclopedias, large appliances/electrical items, broken items, or TV’s.) For details contact Chris: 914-962-6402 or [email protected].

Added by barbaracervoni on March 27, 2013


Barbara Cervoni

Drop off of items is ONLY on Friday 4/26 from 4pm - 7pm. Donated items WILL NOT be accepted on Saturday.

Interested 1