208 N Water St
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202

Luncheon meeting, salad and pizza from Transfer

All your hard work and countless hours have culminated in a brilliant, one of kind portfolio. Congratulations. Now, you’ve got your work cut out for you. In today’s world, having a great book is just the beginning. With so many people vying for so few jobs, your portfolio not only has to be seen as spectacular, it has to be seen.

Join us Wednesday, September 23 for a long lunch with headmistress and master of Ms. Coffmansen's Portfolio School to learn what employers are looking for in digital portfolios, how to get on their radar screens and ways to make a great impression. Then, Jim Conway, lead instructor at C2, will share some best practices for building your book online, securing your own URL and how to use existing portfolio sites.

Don’t miss finding out how to get your foot in the door in a world where your foot is digital and the door is a fiber optic cable.

Official Website: http://www.mystuffisreallygoodsowouldsomeonepleasehireme.com/

Added by C2 Graphics Productivity Solutio on September 11, 2009