200 W Jackson
Chicago, Illinois 60606

Training for the AIDS Foundation of Chicago’s TEAM TO END AIDS (T2), an endurance program that provides training for the Bank of America Chicago Marathon, the Chicago Half Marathon or the Life Time Tri Chicago, begins Saturday, May 4. As T2 supports participants, they support the fight against HIV/AIDS. Beginners and experienced athletes can register today at: T2EA.com/chicago

T2 supports the life-saving work of the AIDS Foundation of Chicago by helping to raise funds to support programs and services that change lives. Simply choose your challenge – marathon, half marathon, or triathlon – and T2 staff will be with you every step of the way providing professional fundraising, training and nutritional support. The training program is geared to beginners and experienced athletes alike who share a common vision – a world without AIDS.

Official Website: http://T2EA.com/chicago

Added by LEGOLAND Discovery Center on March 21, 2013