61-65 Great Queen Street
London, England WC2H 5BZ

Symfony Live After Party - February 25th in London

Everyone loves a party and so do we. What better opportunity could there be than to celebrate all the hard work and effort which is going into Symfony Live Paris this year. Everyone involved will definately be needing some relaxation time!

We would like to invite everyone to an unofficial Symfony Live after party in London, UK on the 25th February 2010. This will be taking place the evening before the PHP UK Conference so those of you all over the world have no excuse not to be in London! This is a great opportunity to meet people involved with some of the most state-of-the-art web technologies available.

A private function room has been reserved at a great location in Central London, and as your hosts we are planning on ensuring everyone has a great evening. We will be doing our best to keep you entertained throughout the evening with some demos, a few talks and general PHP/symfony banter. There will also be a private bar with food and drink to ensure everyone is sufficiently nourished. The bar is called Sway Bar and you can find out how to get there here.

The floor will be open for anyone to say anything on their mind related to symfony or PHP, but if you would like to be part of the evening's schedule please contact us.

The event officially takes place from 18:30 to 21:30 but you are free to stay as long as you like or join the main bar located upstairs.

We will need your help to spread the word, so get tweeting! Although the focus of the event is symfony, the entire PHP Community is invited and welcome to join.

Also, feel free to RSVP on our new Meetup Group as it will help to give us a rough idea on numbers. Please note that as the venue is a bar and being held in the evening entrance is strictly for adults only.

Boxlight Media

Official Website: http://boxlightmedia.com/blog

Added by Boxlight Media on February 21, 2010


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