So, you've decided not to go to SXSWi this year?
Well me too, BUT I still fancy getting together with a whole bunch of people and having a beer or two. We might even talk about tech stuff if you want but mainly it's just one big social.
We'll start trying to decide soon where we might go... (ignore the fact Upcoming says London right now...)
Added by AlunR on January 16, 2009
Seeing as this is a geek event, can I suggest a name change to !SXSWi?
name changed... I did try that originally but Yahoo kept banging on about some incorrect id or something... :)
Andy Clarke was talking about SxSWales. Might be something in that…
I'd have thought that South Wales is a bit of a pain for people across the UK to get to?
The more central the better???
Agreed - central is better! Please not bowling :o
Bowls rather than bowling, surely?
Easiest if we decide the activity we want to take part in then we can find suitable venues.
Karting, Crazy Golf, Bowling, Clay Pigeon Shooting? Ideas required!
I highly recommend a spot of Rage Buggie racing :-) Clay pigeon shooting is good too (and a good substitute for shooting AK47 and Berettas at the Austin shooting range!)
SXSWales sounded like fun to me. Central may be good ... but hell, we would normally travel to TX, so getting to Wales can't be too much of a stretch. I'm easy, though. As long as it's not flippin' London or Brighton - too obvious and too 'been there a million times before'. Different is good :-)
So Saturday AM 'do something' saturday pm 'do drinking'?
The 'AM' do 'something' sound cool for me :D
this is going on for 3 days? that's really going on the piss!
Well when some people decide to let me know what they might be up for then we'll work out time/location.
Rage Buggies sound good as does karting. So maybe Saturday daytime == Event somewhere, Saturday Evening == Food n Booze
Sunday == recover in a nice location.
Obviously some people will need to get there the night before so a few beers on Friday night too sound good.
Somewhere by the sea? Help me out people!!!
Sad you aren't coming over! :( ::pout::
Been too busy to organise this I'm afraid...
I'd say maybe next year but I'll be trying my hardest to be there instead!
Shame. There's always
there just aren't ANY good events in London. i give up already.
So then ideas for where to go...