13-23 Legion Pl
Whippany, New Jersey 07981

8:30 - 12:00 Annual Valentine's Dance Party including:
8:40 free Swing Basics lesson,
hors d'oeuvres, cookies, Valentine's goodies, refreshments, and swingin' DJ'd dancing on a chandelier-lit huge wood ballroom floor.
our popular Valentine's mixer game & prizes,
plus dance performance w/American Swing Dance Champion, Paolo Lanna w/Lauren Bova.

NO Valentine needed for dancing, fun and prizes!

WORKSHOPS: w/American Swing Dance Champion, Paolo Lanna w/Lauren Bova.
6:30 - 7:15 "Swingin' the Blues": 6 & 8 Count Transitions
Covers 6 to 8-count transitions, tripling your step, and slower blues-style variations (great warm-up of what will be used in remaining two workshops).

7:15 - 8:15 Swing: Close Patterns & Pretzels
Learn some creative close patterns and pretzels which develop and improve your balance and connection.
Note: dance shoes with suede soles are recommended for this

8:15 - 9:00 Swing: Dips & Tricks
Further study these fancy close patterns, with the addition of dips and tricks

See http://njswing.com/lessons.htm for details, pricing, and prepaid and bundle discount information.
DISCOUNT PREPAY: (rec'd by Thursday 2/12)
Cash, check, or credit card (via Paypal)

No partner and no dance experience needed.

LOCATION: American Legion Dance Hall, 13 Legion Place, Whippany, NJ 07981
DIRECTIONS: http://www.njswing.com/directions.htm

Official Website: http://njswing.com/lessons.htm

Added by NJMarkB on February 6, 2009

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