13-23 Legion Pl
Whippany, New Jersey 07981

8:30 - 12:00 Swing Dance Party including:
8:40 free Swing Basics lesson,
hors d'oeuvres, cookies, goodies, refreshments, and swingin' DJ'd dancing on a chandelier-lit huge wood ballroom floor.

Beginner & Intermediate Balboa w/ 2007 International & American Balboa Dance Champion, Mickey Fortanasce.

7:00 - 8:00 "Balboa: Fundamentals Review" (Prereq.: none)

This is the place to start if you're new. Mickey will likely cover the basic steps, come around, toss out, lollies and more as time allows. ($18 Door. $16 Prepaid. $28 workshop & dance Prepaid.)

8:00 - 9:00 "Balboa: Intermediate" (Prereq.: solid Balboa basics) ($18 Door. $16 Prepaid. $28 workshop & dance Prepaid)

See http://njswing.com/lessons.htm for details, pricing, and prepaid and bundle discount information.

No partner and no dance experience needed.

LOCATION: American Legion Dance Hall, 13 Legion Place, Whippany, NJ 07981
DIRECTIONS: http://www.njswing.com/directions.htm

Official Website: http://njswing.com/lessons.htm

Added by NJMarkB on February 13, 2009

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