15412 Front Beach Rd
Panama City Beach, Florida 32413

Sure you can swim with the dolphins at Gulf World. Gulf World Marine Park is one of the few places nationwide where you have the opportunity to Swim with a Dolphin! You'll experience the power and playfulness of this amazing mammal in waist to chest deep water. You will enjoy a dorsal fin pull around the dolphin habitat, a dolphin kiss, a dolphin handshake and much more. If you listen closely, you'll hear the underwater sounds of the dolphin. This interactive program is comprised of two segments. The first segment teaches you about dolphin conservation and familiarizes you with the dolphin's senses. The second segment puts you in the water eye to eye with the dolphin. Participants should bring swimwear and a towel. Participants must be 5 years old and 48 inches tall to participate.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 14, 2010