3801 West Temple Avenue
Pomona, California

What is a sustainable event? The term sustainable event encompasses small to large meetings, special events, conferences and tradeshows. These events require adoption of sustainable development best practices related to planning, managing, measuring and reporting. This course will familiarize you with the essential components and processes to accomplish these tasks, including management buy-in and stakeholder engagement. Your journey to sustainability will require continuous improvement. You will be introduced to an Event Sustainable Management System that will provide a framework to create a sustainability strategy that makes sense for your organization, for your attendees, your exhibitors and your budget.

Included will be an overview of the new standards, eco-labels, policies, and contracts that are to be used internally within your organization as well as with vendors and partners external to your organization. With a model for change, you will learn how to transform an existing event into an environmentally-sensitive production with a significantly reduced carbon footprint. You will be introduced to the sustainable business cases that demonstrate how small changes can increase profitability, reduce negative environmental impacts and benefit people by adhering to the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility reflected in the integrated triple bottom line.

This course will cover nine essential areas impacting your event: Venue; Accommodations; Audio Visual; Exhibition Production; Food and Beverage Selection; Transportation Selection; Communication and Marketing; on-site Office Procedures; Destination Selection.

Official Website: http://www.ceu.csupomona.edu/courses/dynamic_content/courses/default.aspx?courseid=3305

Added by CEU, CalPoly Pomona on August 1, 2012