Studio 200, 640 South Main St.
Greenville, South Carolina 29601

The Only Thing More Terrifying Than The Last 12 Minutes Of This Film Are The First 92.

A newcomer to a fancy ballet academy gradually comes to realize that the staff of the school are actually a coven of witches bent on chaos and destruction.

Entertainment Weekly rated Suspiria #18 in its top 25 scariest movies of all time.

A poll among critics at Total Film also named it as the 3rd greatest horror film of all-time.

it was rated #24 on the cable channel Bravo's list of the "100 Scariest Movie Moments".

Director: Dario Argento
Stars: Jessica Harper,
Genre: Horror / Giallo
Runtime: 98 minutes
Rating: R

Suspiria is noteworthy for several stylistic flourishes that have become Argento trademarks. The film was shot with anamorphic lenses. The production design and cinematography emphasize vivid primary colors, particularly red, creating a deliberately unrealistic, nightmarish setting. This look was emphasized by the use of imbibition Technicolor prints. The imbibition process, used for The Wizard of Oz and Gone with the Wind, is much more vivid in its color rendition than emulsion-based release prints, therefore enhancing the nightmarish quality of the film.

Official Website:

Added by West End Movies on May 11, 2009

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