411 Olive Ave
Huntington Beach, California 92648

Over 120 different surf bands from all over Southern California and the world have performed for the museum since the concert series began in 1996. The concerts feature original 1st wave '60s era bands to the 2nd wave bands from the '70s and '80s to the current 3rd wave bands. Besides contributing to the Huntington Beach downtown "Surf City" atmosphere, the concert series keeps surf music and surf bands alive and thriving for residents and visitors from throughout Southern California and the world. The Museum is currently booking the bands to perform, so look for future dates as the concert series fills in. Sponsors for the concert series include; OC Weekly, Surfer Magazine, Cold Stone Creamery, California Beach Naturals, and Presenting Sponsor Lace Music. Check for lineup and date changes by calling the Museum at 714-960-3483.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 2, 2008

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