San Francisco, California 94107

Dovetail launched the Off the Shelf and Onto the Screen film competition channels. These channels will be open for screening during the next two weeks. The 60+ filmmakers included in the channels have chosen to bring their work back to the screen so that you can enjoy their creations. In addition, you will decide the winners. Each channel winner will receive $500, and the top winner decided by audience vote wins $1,000 and 10,000 shares in Dovetail.

Check out the competition channels by launching Dovetail (www.dovetail.tv/app.html). To cast your vote for a film, be sure to click the “Download film” button and watch in DVD/HD full-screen quality. The filmmakers want to hear from you too, so be sure to add comments and also help get votes for your favorites by sharing with your friends.

Official Website: http://www.dovetail.tv/app.html

Added by DeclareURIndie on October 19, 2006

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