333 Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park, California 94025

Supply chain globalisation is a transformational opportunity to establish a global workforce that is empowered, engaged, and enabled to effectively manage Cisco's global supply chain. Cisco's Global Supply Chain Management (GSCM) team is uniquely positioned to accelerate innovation, growth, social responsibility, and customer experience through a global expansion of its talent network. Today, you will see how GSCM is using a globalisation strategy and a strong process for portfolio/project management to globalise.

Join us to learn how the Cisco Global Supply Chain is shaping and executing its vision for supply chain globalisation.

What you will learn and take away from this session
* The key elements of a supply chain globalisation strategy
* The processes and tools used to create the portfolio
* How to align and integrate the portfolio to drive projects and business results

$25 members, students, affiliates, $35 all others, $40 at door.

Official Website: http://www.strategyplus.org/chapters/NorthernCalifornia.php

Added by FullCalendar on November 3, 2008