3801 W. Temple Ave, CTTi (Bldg 220B), Rm 132-1
Pomona, California 91768

Course 6 of 6
(4 hours, 1 day session)

As a supervisor, some questions may abound that a supervisor may need clarity on: 1) Which tasks does the supervisor keep and which does the supervisor give away? 2) Who should the supervisor delegate the work to? 3) Should the supervisor micro-manage or let the employee figure it out for him/herself? Effective Delegation Strategies provides supervisors with the answers and the tools needed to distribute work to others effectively.

Official Website: http://www.ceu.csupomona.edu/courses/dynamic_content/courses/default.aspx?courseid=3280

Added by CEU, CalPoly Pomona on November 16, 2011