345 Spear Street
San Francisco, California

SuperHappyDevHouse 27, Google: San Francisco, October 4th. 345 Spear St, San Francisco. Easily accessible by public transportation- just take BART to Embarcadero, or Caltrain to 4th & King and Muni to Embarcadero & Folsom.

No cost! Bring yourself, your laptop, and your legion of robotic ninjas.

We'll be welcoming lightning talks, too. Usual rules apply: talk about something nifty that people can play with on the spot. 5 minutes and you get the hook. If you want to get on the schedule, let Joël (jfranusic [at] gmail ! com) know.

If you're coming, please let us know by posting your name and your plans for Devhouse, vague though they may be, to the wiki at http://superhappydevhouse.org/SuperHappyDevHouse27.

Hope to see you there!

The DevHouse Crew

Official Website: http://superhappydevhouse.org/SuperHappyDevHouse27

Added by novas0x2a on September 21, 2008



I love to meet my Google friends and other developers at Google SF office.