409 Colorado St
Austin, Texas 78701

If you're arriving in Austin for SXSW a little early, join us at the Alamo for a little Japanese television craziness....

"Don't worry! You haven't reached the end of Super Happy Fun Monkey Bash season. Every year, from January to November, we amass volumes of deranged video oddities that only the Japanese seem to be able to produce: A-list American celebrities pimping themselves out for cheap Japanese products, bawdy situation comedies, unexpected nudity, extreme pro-wrestling, bizarre anti-flatulence products, nonsensical English phrases, supreme goofiness, and lots and lots of foam rubber costumes! Because you asked for it, in volume five, there will also be heaping helpings of Japanese torture and humiliation game shows, particularly those targeting the socially vulnerable, the elderly, the handicapped, the poor, children, women, the ugly and the stupid. Hooray! This is an all new compilation, with no repeated content from volumes 1-4 (although the old volumes will be available for sale in the lobby), and as a special treat, for the very first time, select segments of this compilation will be subtitled! We'll also feature novelty Japanese drinks, prizes and giveaways at every show. Check online for teaser clips and trailers from this and past Monkey Bash shows, and start marking the days in your pocket calendar until the happiest time of the year, Super Happy Fun Monkey Bash Day!"

Official Website: http://www.originalalamo.com/downtown/frames.asp?b=%2Fonline_tix%2Fshow_details.asp%3Fshow_id=4256

Added by TheAdnostic on January 19, 2007

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