20 Talbot Ave
Medford, Massachusetts 02155

Performance faculty member Beth Bahia Cohen will explore how the violin and other bowed strings are played in traditional music from all sides of the Mediterranean and beyond. She will be playing the violin, the Turkish bowed tanbur & kabak kemane, the Persian kamancheh, Greek & Italian lyres, Norwegian Hardanger fiddle, and the Romanian trumpet violin.

She will be joined by special guests Nima Janmohammadi (Persian setar, kamancheh, and vocals), Volkan Efe (Turkish tanbur and bağlama), Mal Barsamian (oud), Fabio Pirozzolo (percussion and vocals), Dean Lampros (Greek santouri and percussion), and Joe Teja (guitar) in music from Iran, Greece, Turkey, Italy, Norway, Romania, Hungary, Syria, and the Klezmer tradition.

Distler Performance Hall, Granoff Music Center

Free; no tickets required

Added by Granoff Music Center on January 22, 2013