6 Allegheny Square E.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15212

Register Now!
(Grades 6 through 12)
Presented by the New Hazlett Theater

This summer, join the staff of The New Hazlett Theater for one of our exclusive workshops on dance and creative movement!

At The New Hazlett Theater Summer Dance & Creative Movement Workshop, youth will:
- Develop discipline in dance
- Heighten their awareness and sense of appreciation for various aspects of dance and creative movement
- Develop and present works reflective of the various techniques of dance ranging from contemporary to traditional

Youth who are enrolled in The New Hazlett Theater's Dance & Creative Movement Workshop will work with staff member Desiree Davis & professional guest instructors! Space is limited; please call to reserve your spot today.

To register: contact Desiree Davis 412-320-4610, Ext. 15.

Official Website: http://www.newhazletttheater.org

Added by newhazletttheater on May 23, 2009

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