15500 San Pasqual Valley Rd
Escondido, California 92027

Get the inside scoop on animal care and conservation straight from the experts. Meet zookeepers and animal trainers to see firsthand what it takes to work with exotic animals. Take a trip to our state-of-the-art hospital to see veterinary medicine in action. Hop on board a Photo Caravan Safari truck to venture deep into the heart of the Wild Animal Park's enormous field enclosures, and try your hand at wildlife research as you become a field biologist monitoring animal behavior. Plus, enjoy the Wild Animal Park when no one else can -- at night! Make yourself at home in our private Summer Camp campsite, and spend an entire week exploring every acre of this incredible place, including behind the scenes as you visit animal bedrooms and barns with your Camp counselors. From pancake breakfast and early morning zookeeping to a late-night Park prowl and s'mores at the campfire, the animal action is nonstop. Get ready to get down and dirty as you go through Animal Care Boot Camp to become an animal care pro!

Added by Upcoming Robot on May 5, 2010