1400 Red Banks Road
Greenville, North Carolina 27858

We're looking for one ruthless little girl to play Tina Denmark in Ruthless! The Musical. Our main audition day for the role of Tina is Sunday, April 19, but we will be happy to see you on Monday or Tuesday if you can't attend the Sunday audition. Tina is 8 years old, so we are looking for girls ages 7-12 for this role. You must be able to act, sing, and do a bit of tap dancing.

Monday and Tuesday we will audition for the remaining cast of Ruthless! which is 4 women and possibly one man, all singing roles. We will also audition for the cast of The Dining Room which is 3-6 men and 3-6 women (depending on the director's preference). You are welcome to come to the Sunday audition if you are not available on Monday or Tuesday.

Information on audition requirements and preparation will be posted at www.magnoliaartscenter.com as it becomes available.

Official Website: http://www.magnoliaartscenter.com/portal/news.php

Added by robinarmstrong9 on March 2, 2009