OSSCube LLC 404 Shakespeare St, Morrisville (North Carolina) - 27560
Morrisville, North Carolina 27560

SugarCRM End user training is an introductory training program for people who are new to SugarCRM. This comprehensive One Day course would give you a complete overview of SugarCRM and provide hands-on training on how to use the most commonly used modules/ features of SugarCRM. The course would equip you to use SugarCRM efficiently and effectively. This course is available online, at our classrooms or our consultant can deliver it at your location. At the end of the training you will receive a participation certificate form SugarCRM.ill enable you to understand what SugarCRM can do for your organization and how certain features and functionality will impact your business.

Register at: http://www.osscube.com/training/schedule-pricing

Charges: 350 USD

Official Website: http://www.osscube.com/training/sugarcrm/sugarcrm-end-user-training

Added by Kinshuk.Sunil on February 25, 2010

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