700 Bragg Hill Rd.
Waitsfield, Vermont

In this workshop, Helen Whybrow will go through a huge amount of information for raising sheep successfully in a pasture-based system. Our purebred Icelandic ewes live outside year-round, deliver their lambs in the field, and are a productive, low-maintenance asset to our farm. We started our grazing system on 20 acres of overgrazed and weed-ridden pasture 10 years ago and have seen a huge improvement in forage density, legume regrowth and soil organic matter over time - all without reseeding or fertilizing. Helen will talk about raising sheep in general, health and parasites, grazing management, and how to start a flock. Lambing difficulties and how to deal with them will be a focus of the workshop as well. Please bring your questions and experiences so that we can all learn from one another!
$15; includes handouts on sheep health, pasture health and parasites
Bring clean boots; no dogs please

Added by Whole Communities on May 16, 2012

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