10 Washington Street
Oakland, California

Mo Townsend

Mo Townsend

"Being responsible for growing my business is liberating. I love the challenge - it's up to me. Because of my commitment to personal growth and my belief in myself and my mentors, I know who I am. When you know who you are, nothing can stand in the way of your dreams."

Mo Townsend

In the fall of 2005, on a Washington, D.C., business trip for her corporate job, Mo Townsend was thinking about her CyberWize business. She had come to a decision: It was time to move her business to the next level. But one issue remained unsettled. Mo decided to call Platinum Executive Holton Buggs to ask a key question.

"I asked Holton where the single women were in the top leadership of CyberWize," recalls Mo. "I saw lots of couples in the top earners' group, and I needed to know if there was a place for me as a single woman."

Holton's immediate response was encouragement - and then a challenge.

"I told Mo to stop looking for the one example of a successful single woman leader," recalls Holton, "and go be that one example. That's exactly what she's done."

"I could visualize success for others," says Mo. "But that day, I started to truly see it for myself."

Not soon after that fateful meeting, Diamond Executive Susan Walsh came to California to lead a training, which Mo attended. "I decided to be the No. 1 person who got it," laughs Mo now.

She got "it" all right. Within six months, Mo advanced to Gold Executive. A month later, she advanced to Platinum. She celebrated her three-year anniversary in CyberWize by retiring from her corporate job at the age of 34 and going on a cruise to Mexico.

In addition to CyberWize leadership, Mo's parents have also been an inspiration. They moved from Zurich, Switzerland, to the United States, where they have built a new life for their family with the courage and determination to do whatever it takes. "They have seen my journey in this business, and have been a huge support," says Mo.

Success can look like a foregone conclusion in retrospect. But Mo's success has been the result of building in a steady (and proven) way.

"I advanced to Platinum by committing myself to personal growth," says Mo. "I read books and listen to tapes that help me believe in myself. I also stay connected to the heartbeat of the company through training, events, and the top leaders in the field. When you make a decision to commit to something, the universe aligns itself to bring about the results. Having a 'definite-ness' of purpose attracts those things into your life."

Don't MIss Monica she is Awesome!
Please RSVP w/ Shaline DeGuzman 916-519-5822

Official Website: http://shaline.cyberwize.com

Added by Privileged_Living on February 13, 2007

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