2400 Opportunity Drive
Wichita, Kansas 67219

Strengthening Families Summit III featuring Judge Steven C. Teske, M.A., J.D. Juvenile Court of Clayton County, Georgia as Keynote Speaker. Judge Teske’s Plenary Session will address: A Study of Zero Tolerance in Schools: A Multi-Integrated System Approach to Improving Outcomes for Adolescents.” This event is free to the public and lunch will be provided. Bring the entire family for youth and adult workshops that will address family functioning, family health, dating violence and mental health. Our morning panel presentation will include: How have school disciplinary policies including the “zero tolerance” policy had an impact on the growing number of suspensions and expulsions? How has the introduction of police in schools impacted the growing number of arrest at the school site as well as the increasing number of students that are being referred into the juvenile courts? Including how, schools, courts, law enforcement and community can better collaborate to reverse this trends.

For more information contact Emile McGill at 303-8017.

Added by pdewill05 on March 25, 2010

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