Livermore Common
Fremont, California 94539

Overview : Ten years ago the acronym BRIC, standing for Brazil, Russia, India and China, was coined to describe four countries that were identified as up-and-coming economic powerhouses. They have more than lived up to that expectation.

Strategic HR departments paid attention and understood how they would have to adapt to the changing world resulting from the impact of these countries. Today there is another acronym that has been adopted to describe another set of rising countries that will provide opportunities and challenges to countries based in established countries such as the U.S. CIVETS describes the six countries of Columbia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa and they are poised to have a major impact in the global marketplace. Strategic HR departments need to know and understand who these players are and the potential opportunity and challenges they present to human resources departments worldwide. This session will explore these six countries from an economic and workforce perspective and the factors that should be paid attention to by a strategic HR professional.

Areas Covered in the Session:
What makes each country a potential powerhouse player
The makeup of their potential labor force
Cultural issues connected with each
Potential legal issues
How every company may be affected

Who Will Benefit:
Vice Presidents of HR
Human Resource Managers
HR Generalist
Office Managers
Operations Managers
HR Professionals with SPHR or GPHR designation

Official Website:

Added by Russel Stuart on March 4, 2013

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