818 Marin Street, Downtown
Vallejo, California 94590

Saturday, Third Saturdays, 2007

Hosted by Martha Cinader Mims
Come to listen and to share stories.

If you are entertained by any of the stories I have shared with you in the last couple of weeks, I hope that you will consider reading one aloud, or better yet retelling it with your own embellishments. Tell it to your child or your mother or a friend over coffee. There’s a reason why lies are sometimes called ‘tellling a story’ and why it is said that there is a kernel of truth in every lie. When we speak, we sometimes even surprise ourselves with what comes out of our mouths. That’s because our hearts don’t always listen to our minds. Even when we know we are spinning yarn, there is a hidden message of truth in the journey of the telling and the plot of the story.

At one of the first storytelling circles I hosted here at Listen & Be Heard Poetry Café a young girl got up to tell a story. She surprised even her parents with her professional manner in the telling of her story and held the attention of everyone in the room. There are now more ways than ever to be entertained, but the story is still what lies at the heart of song, movie, book and even video game. Take a little time to pass your stories and family history on to the children in your life.

Official Website: http://listenandbeheard.net/2007/09/12/stories-spoken-from-the-heart/

Added by cinader on October 11, 2007

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