4485 Pennwood Ave
Las Vegas, Nevada 89102

This event has been postponed until further notice for reasons beyond our control we sincerely apologize and is working to set a new date and place. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Is becoming a more prevalent part of our lives, children killing themselves because of being single out. What's worse is for the most part the parent of the bully has no remorse, no feeling for the parent who has lost a child. No one was created the same even a twin has some differences. Whether a person is gay, black, poor, dresses funny, looks different, talks different etc... that does not give anyone the right to judge, or ridicule them. Bullies are cowards who feeds off others pain to make them feel and look good. I ask that you support us in our efforts and come join us November 18th at 4485 Pennwood Ave we need speakers, contributors what ever you can share or do is greatly appreciated. We have to start somewhere to stop the bullying

excerts shared from CNN online

He was only 14 years old "One Orange County family says their son took his own life to escape vicious bullying. Now his parents are on a crusade, vowing to make a difference. They want a new anti-bullying law passed to protect other kids."

Jamey Rodemeyer sent out many signals on social networking sites that he was struggling with his sexuality, and although he encouraged others on YouTube to fight off the bullies, things didn't get better.

The Buffalo, N.Y., boy, 14, killed himself this weekend after posting an online farewell."

Created By
Kim Cordy, Mzshel Bardlett
More Info
Mzshel702 873 5751 Justaskkim702 741 0331

Added by dresswellfashions.com on October 8, 2011