Looking to get the word out about your new company or product?
SDForum's Start-up SIG is having Demo Night on Monday, December 17th! Sign up to show us your product or service. No limits on type of company, age of company, etc., so even if you've been out there for a while, come demo anyway! This is not limited to SDForum members, so spread the word to your contacts looking for extra exposure.
This is a good place to:
- Get more people in the startup community talking about your company
- Try out a new version of your pitch in a low-risk environment
- Get leads for investors, partners, employees, advisors
- Get feedback on your product and/or pitch from other founders and industry players
- Practice pitching in front of a live audience
- Get some beta users from an audience of early adopters
You'll probably have 5-10 minutes, depending on how many we have.
It's free to present; to attend it's no charge for SDForum members, $15 at the door for non-members.
Questions? Email Chris and Nancy at
[email protected]
Sign up to present on our wiki:
(password is "startup" without quotes)
See you there!
$15 at the door for non-SDForum members, no charge for SDForum members.
Official Website: http://www.sdforum.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=Calendar.eventDetail&eventID=13014
Added by FullCalendar on December 7, 2007
We have 9 companies lined up!
- Maatiam.com - Turn online shopping into giving
- SiteTruth.com - search without the spams and scams
- CleanScores.com
- pipebytes.com - browser based P2P file exchange
- eRealInvestor.com - real estate investment analysis
- www.REmapper.com - block level dynamic maps with 12-mo forecast
- acunote.com - Agile Project Management
- Adozu Inc. - Asset Awareness Systems, hardware and software to give remote visibility into the identity, location and state of a physical object.
- www.olymtech.com - enables you as a SaaS provider whether you are an ISV, hosting provider ... with its complete SaaS platform including SaaS development platform, operating platform, and operation support system. OlymTech is looking for partners in the U.S. marketplace.
This will be a fun, interesting evening; hope you can join us.