1010 W. Sam Houston Pkwy N.
Houston, Texas 77043

From start to finish, Paul Bright takes you through each step of making your feature film and will have you well into pre-production before the afternoon is over. Learn how to make your feature film, your vision for $15,000.

About to begin filming his sixth feature, and working for the second time with both Screen Actors Guild and the American Humane Organization, Paul has fantastic ideas to make your shoot simple, manageable, and a success.

The seminar includes handouts that makes the entire pre-production process straightforward, and topics covered include fundraising, marketing and distribution.

Bright Filmmaking Seminars give you the tools to make your screenplay shootable, teaches the details of planning your film shoot, offers insights into how to run your film set calmly and efficiently, and helps you position your movie so the world will want to see it.

Official Website: http://www.swamp.org/for-filmmakers/workshops/

Added by SWAMP Film on June 21, 2011

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