Toronto, Ontario

Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?….When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” – Job 38:4, 7

Stars have always been shaping the destiny of human beings, helping on the earthly ways to understand Self, to become better in a larger Community of Nature. Stars have brought Fortune and New Time.

This workshop is a personalized workshop and is designed to awaken the human memory and the intrinsic knowledge of Stars, and within the natural feeling of the heart, connect with the Star of their heart.

The workshop is designed to open spaces for intuitive understanding of new possibilities and opportunities, for improvement of material being and spirituality in a cultural development of community. The workshop has a cultural basis in Eastern Thought and is open to all who seek change, healing, wellness and ultimately, true happiness.

The workshop is also Earth based and asks the Earth to strengthen her Star Connection and become One with the Universe. Opening their heart to Stars, people will find a natural community way to help the Earth heal, recover and revive in New Time.

Seven day workshop with time commitment of 4 -6 hours. Register Today : 35 $.

Upon Completion all participants receive feedback, a letter of participation, and professional references for further expansion of a global reclamation of Place.

Official Website:

Added by OlgaShugurova on April 2, 2013

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