250 E Franklin St
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514

Survival Skills Using the Sky. Get ready to go camping this summer! This interactive presentation reveals the secret tools of the night skies and is great for star gazers and outdoor enthusiasts. Discover how the sky provides you with a compass, clock, and calendar. No GPS required! Online registration available. Explore the night sky as a family. Based on the same themes as Starry Nights, this engaging program series is designed for learners ages 7-12 and their families. Come every month to the planetarium dome or pick and choose the topics that your family finds the most appealing. Also great for Scouts and other groups! Fees: General Public: $20/family. To register, click on the "Register Now" link beside the program title on the website or call Morehead Guest Relations at (919) 962-1236.

Added by Upcoming Robot on May 6, 2011