Please join Barack Obama at a 'Stand for Change' Tour stop in Birmingham, where he'll talk about his vision for bringing the kind of change we can believe in.
Here are the details:
Stand for Change Town Hall with Barack Obama in Birmingham
Bartow Arena
University of Alabama at Birmingham
617 13th Street South
Birmingham, AL
Sunday, January 27
Doors open: 12:00 p.m.
For security reasons, please do not bring bags. Please limit personal items. No signs or banners are permitted.
The event is free and open to the public. Tickets are required, so use the form to the right to sign up now and receive a ticket via email, or pick up a ticket from one of the locations below beginning at 9:00 a.m. on Friday.
Event submitted by on behalf of rhombus.
Added by rhombus on January 25, 2008
I just discovered that Senator Obama is coming to Birmmingham. This is an historical event in mylife time as well as others. My grandson attends an IB school here in Birmingham and he is a stunch Obama supportor even at the tender age of 13. He is interested in change. He also participates on the teen council in Birmingham. He has been extremely busy with classwork and did not hear that Senator Obama was coming here. This would be a perfect opportunity to experience seeing and hearing our next hopeful President of the United States of America. I am desparete for 2 tickets for myself and my Grandson. Please reply Gwen
I know there is a wait list for this event!!!
how do i get tickets? don't see a form to the right.