127 N. Main St.
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402

Stacy Mitchhart Grammy Nominated blues artists is coming to NW Ohio area as part of the Documentary & Travel channel special
that follow Stacy on a tour of historic theaters across the United States. His only local stop will be at the historic Clazel Theater in
Bowling Green. The Clazel, built in 1926, is the oldest and the largest single screen theater in Ohio that has been renovated to
give you the only multi entertainment destination.
Mitchhart has appeared on numerous television shows including PBS Jubbilee Concert Series (2 seperate concerts), TBS "Dinner
and a Movie), HBO Featured acting role in Mockumentary "Trick or Treat", The Speed Channel (intro promos for NASCAR races)
and Monday Night Football (twice for Tennessee Titans appearances includining original compositions for the broadcast).
Independent filmmaker Tim Hardiman has released a documentary of Mitchhart’s life (soon to be shown on the Documentary

Added by jacquelinenemeth on March 29, 2010

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