Garrison Avenue
Fort Smith, Arkansas 72901

It will be the luck of the Irish when you attend this event! See if you can locate the Blarney Stone! Downtown Fort Smith Restaurant & Pub Association hosts this event. You can purchase the Pub Crawl Cups at participating businesses for $5.00 each. The night of the event, you can enjoy adult beverages at special pricing at each location.

Added by Downtown Fort Smith on February 25, 2009



LOVED IT! I attended this event as a band mom along with my husband in 2008. We don't drink,but we loved the atmosphere at "The Hamburger Barn" where the band, Chain of Reason was featured! The Irish waitress' were cute and very nice. The owners were great! And yes the food was great. Looking forward to another GREAT time in 2009!!!! The band, CHAIN OF REASON will be on board from 6-12!!!


Never been to the Pub Crawl..will try to make it this year.


It is nice to see Ft. Smith come alive and throw down. It is one of if not the best event of the year. It tends to be crowded and chilly so dress warm and be prepared to wait in lines or be smushed at times but it's a can't miss good time.


Yeah Ft. Smith comes alive and throws down.HA! For as big as Fort Smith is there is nothing to do which sucks because downtown could be a really fun place. They don't close the street down, you can't take your drink on the street, and most people don't know how to act because they are inbred retards and fort smith doesn't have enough of these events so people won't go berserk when it happens. Go to Memphis on beale street for St. Pattys day and you'll be like,"yeah our city planners suck!"


I have to agree with bailey45 the city doesn't have enough events for people and as a result you get a lot of folks who just don't know how to act I attended 2 yrs. ago and the pubs that do sponsor where so packed you couldn't move. Guess it's a good time if you want to deal with a bunch of drunk rednecks who need to grow up, this town has gone down hill over the last few years, Ft. Smith used to be a good time anymore good luck.


Way to perpetuate stereotypes. Just because you had a bad experience with a few select people is no reason to label the entire town "inbred retards" or "rednecks who need to grow up". The people making those assumptions are the ones who need to grow up...and most likely having sexual relations with family members.


I just love comming to Fort Smith for the Pub Crawl, so when is the 2010 one?


I'm so there!


The Pub Crawl for 2011 is the 19th of March. come join in the fun!!