1 Government Dr
St Louis, Missouri 63110

The St. Louis Jewish Book Festival, in partnership with the St. Louis Zoo, presents Israeli zoologist Avinoam Lourie and St. Louis Zoo President Dr. Jeffrey Bonner as they share stories of their adventures with animals -- some funny, some frightening, all inspirational. The event, including treats for kids, winter zoo activities, a book signing, and much more, is at 12:30p.m., Feb. 5 in the Living World Theater at the St. Louis Zoo. Tickets are $20 for families (2 adults & 2 children), $8 for adults, and $5 for children (6 years and under FREE). The Event is FREE for those with Festival Series PLUS Tickets. For tickets or information, call 314-442-3299.

Added by imageworkspublicrelations on January 27, 2012