Bankhouse road
Lesmahagow, Scotland ML11 0ES

Dear Friend,
We would like to warmly invite you, your family and your friends for the celebration of the two most blissful festivals of the year. The first one, on Thursday 2nd of September, the Festival of all Festivals, Birthday of all Birthdays - Sri Krishna Janmashtami – the appearance day of the Greatest of the greatest and the loveliest of splendid Personalities, Sri Krishna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead. The second one, on Friday, 3rd September, an equally important day – the appearance day of the dear most servant of Sri Krishna - Srila Prabhupada who has given Sri Krishna to the western world. These most important festivals give great inspiration, mercy and strength. By coming together and celebrating the appearance day of the Lord, a higher taste awakens within us, which is far beyond any material enjoyment. Furthermore, by appreciating the dear most servant of the Lord, Srila Prabhupada, we get even more mercy, because Krishna is far more pleased when His dear devotee is glorified, than He Himself.

The Sri Krishna Janmashtami celebration on 2nd September will start 6pm till midnight. The programme will be full of joyfully performed activities such as ecstatic Bhajans and Kirtans, Drama, Indian dance (Bharat natyam), etc. The celebrations will culminate in an ecstatic Midnight Arati surcharged with great joy and gratitude. After that most wonderful feast prepared with love and devotion for the pleasure of new born baby Sri Krishna will be served to everyone.

The Vyasa Puja of Srila Prabhupada on 3rd of September will start from 3pm till 8pm. There will be offerings for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada. It will include spoken appreciations, video, arati and kirtan. The programme will finish with a very special feast.

Fancy getting special mercy? Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to offer some service in preparation for the ensuing festivities. You can come to the temple anytime throughout the week or on festival days and help us with the in preparations. Free accommodation and delicious food are provided.

For those of you who wish to stay overnight, accommodation will be allocated. Please phone (07957647168) or email us, as this is on a first come first served basis. We all look forward to seeing you soon and hope this letter meets you all in the best of health and Krishna consciousness.

On behalf of all the devotees of Karuna Bhavan, your servant,
Prabhupada Prana das

Added by Gouranga Festivals on August 20, 2010

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