31 Broadway
Kingston, New York 12401

Welcome in the spring season with a whole body cleanse – renewing & energizing the body and clarifying the mind. This comprehensive supported two week program is guided by Naturopathic Doctor & Licensed Acupuncturist from The New Leaf and Yoga Teacher & Vegetarian Chef from Mudita Yoga Center.
Your experience begins with a Naturopathic Consultation to evaluate your specific health profile. The cleanse is supported with lecture & discussion groups, yoga classes, acupuncture sessions and a cooking class. The program also includes detoxification supplements, detoxification tea, diet plan with recipes and ongoing email support. Everything you need to cleanse the body and continue on with a healthy lifestyle. We close with a celebratory ceremony honoring the new you.
Reserve your place by March 18th. In order to give individualized attention group size is limited. Price for the full program is $175. To enhance the detoxification process in a gentle and comprehensive manner, you have the option to add 3 Colon Hydrotherapy sessions for an additional $75. To sign up, for more information or details of the two week schedule call 845.331.2235 or 845.750.6605

Official Website: http://www.newleafholistichealth.com

Added by boodandile on February 16, 2009

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