118 North Michigan Avenue
Hastings, Michigan 49058

ST. Patty's Day Special!

Register for art classes by 9 pm today and get $10 OFF!

Pottery K-12 Mondays/Fridays Home School & High School,

Pottery Adults, both hand building and on the wheel,

Printmaking K-3,

Drawing 6th-8th,

Sculpture 7th-12th,

Sculpture Adults - Garden Turtles/River Critters/Sculpted Planters,

Drawing & Painting Portraits Teens-Adults,

Oil Painting Portraits & Masters Landscapes Teens-Adults,

Reconstruct/Recycle Garments Teens-Adults
On Monday Evenings In March & April

Needle Felting - Bunnies & Easter Eggs Teens-Adults
on Friday Evenings in March & April

Official Website: http://insoonart.com/laura/index.html

Added by lauras_heartstudio on March 17, 2009

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