0 East Fourth Street
Richmond, Virginia 23224

The Richmond Craft Mafia presents the seventh annual Spring Bada-Bing: The Boss of All Craft Shows on Sunday, April 15 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Plant Zero in South Richmond's Manchester Art District. This year’s event will feature over 60 independent artists and designers, selling handmade wares ranging from perfume to plush; recycled clothing to revamped jewelry; and everything awesome in between.

Independent artists and designers from around the country will be in attendance, offering handcrafted wares and helping to educate shoppers about the Do It Yourself, or DIY, movement. Fueled by the internet and websites like Etsy, the DIY movement is at the backbone of a growing craft culture, seeking to prove that high quality, everyday items are easily available at places other than the mall. A frequent mantra in DIY circles is "not your grandmother's craft show," and that certainly applies to Spring Bada Bing. Not only will artists come to SBB from around the country, but they will come bearing some of the most unique, modern takes on traditional crafts that Richmond has ever seen.

The DIY movement has come a long way in the last seven years since the RCM has been producing Spring Bada-Bing. At one time independent designer shows like Spring Bada-Bing were few and far between. Today, artists and crafts people have many outlets to help them make a living through their work, and the American public has come out in mass to show their support for these brave souls.

Inspired by the original Austin Craft Mafia of Texas, the RCM is a dedicated group of independent business owners who work to support each other's businesses and to provide promotional and marketing opportunities for other crafty business owners.The RCM also produces Handmade Holiday, a large regional show held in early December.

Plant Zero, located at 0 E. 4th Street (Manchester), Richmond, will host SBB once again this year. The event space features an open floor plan and bright natural light. Also, the building has ample parking, making it the perfect venue for SBB!

To learn more about Spring Bada-Bing, please visit www.springbadabing.com.

Added by Richmond Craft Mafia on February 16, 2012