700 Bragg Hill Rd.
Waitsfield, Vermont

Join instructors Bill Coperthwaite and Taz Squire for one day or two. In these full-day, hands-on workshops you will make a beautiful hardwood spoon and/or bowl out of cherry, maple or birch. We will provide the carving blades and wood, and you will focus on the on the techniques of using a straight knife and a crooked knife- the traditional carving tool of the Northwest coast tribes- to shape a spoon and/or bowl of your own design.

Designed for all levels of experience, these workshops are accessible to everyone. It will be of special interest to those who enjoy carving and want to go away with a beautiful spoon and/or bowl. Wooden eating, cooking and serving spoons and bowls make amazing gifts and can last a lifetime.

All materials and tools will be provided to create a complete a spoon and/or bowl by the end of the day. You are welcome to bring your own favorite wood and tools, if desired. Hot beverages and water will be provided. The workshop will be inside or outside, weather dependent. Please bring your own lunch and snacks.

SPOON WORKSHOP: $85 Saturday, October 15th
BOWL WORKSHOP: $95 Sunday, October 16th

For more information and to register: contact Center for Whole Communities 802-496-5690, [email protected] or visit www.wholecommunities.org/calendar.

Added by Whole Communities on September 7, 2011

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