15911 creditview Road, Caledon
Toronto, Ontario

A time to get away from the usual hustle bustle of city life and rejuvenate. Our guest of honor and dearest walking Monk, Bhakti Marga Swami will help us experience and understand the nine steps of Bhakti Yoga. This knowledge is not found in books, only experienced in the presence of real teacher.

Yoga means to connect. Some think of yoga as a workout technique or a gymnastic feat to be accomplished. Truth is that yoga is an intricate and elaborate physical, spiritual and philosophical system designed to help govern every aspect of our lives.

Yoga process is as ancient as the universe itself. The Goal of all the different yoga paths is to come to the stage of ‘Bhakti’. This retreat is designed to enable us to dive deeper into the millennia old ‘Bhakti Yoga’ process.

Integral to Bhakti Yoga is the practice of Kirtan- musical chanting and tasting spiritual food. So please be prepared for lots of delicious treats, spiritual workshops, yoga, feast, power walks and kirtans. This is a rare chance to meet and chat with the walking monk, ask questions, explore inner calm and have tons of fun

A not to miss retreat – Join us for tons of fun ! RSVP to reserve a spot – LIMITED SEATS ONLY.

Highlight for the day
1. Kirtan power - experiece the power of sound. Allow transcendent beats and mind blowing mantras to lift your mind high, high and higher.
2. Talks from a Pilgrim - A monk and Three time walker across Canada speaks about his experiences and shares insights on Walking Yoga.
3. Lunch - Vegan Feast
4. The NDM workshop - Experience the topmost of all yoga techniques...watch out and be prepared for the best fun you have ever had.
5. Yoga Asana Practice - Guided session with expert yogi
And we end with Snacks, kirtan and gifts.

Our Special Speaker : Bhakti Marga Swami
Bhakti Marg Swami, A brilliant and effulgent monk in the renounced order of life is visiting Toronto and has graciously accepted to meet our group. A practitioner of Bhakti Yoga, he has been traveling across the world from Canada to India to Africa to Europe and Russia for over 30 years.
In 1996 he went the way of a pilgrim and walked on foot cross country from west to east and then back for a return journey from Cape Spear, Newfoundland to Vancouver Island in 2003, going full circle. In 2007, he completed his third walk across Canada and now in 2008 he is walking across Poland. He is taking a special break to speak with us about his Bhakti realisations from his Walking meditations over the past few decades. He says when you go walking you sort a lot of things out in your mind...find out more about his travels at http://www.thewalkingmonk.org

Official Website: http://urbanedgeyoga.com/index.php?d=current&p=current&event=event2

Added by urbanedgeyoga on June 3, 2009