690 University Avenue
San Diego, California 92103

At Cupid.com/Predating events, you'll meet up to twelve 5-6 minute dates, all in one evening.

After each date rotation, you can privately check YES on your scorecard if you like to hear from someone again. Do so with the next date until the final date is complete. Your initial party scores are ready for you within 24 hours.

It's easy, NO uncomfortable rejections, NO more long first dates and best of all, it's Fun!

Suggested Ages: 24-44
Save $10 with promo code GWC
(Regular price $32 before May 5, $42 afterwards)
Bring A Friend FREE!

Advanced Registrations Required

Includes: 30 day Cupid Gold membership after the event (value $29.95), Light Appetizers, Special Wine selection cash bar.

Official Website: http://www.pre-dating.com/speeddating/SD.php

Added by CupidPredatingSocal on April 29, 2007