131 Sullivan Street
New York, New York

Meet 15 - 20 other NYC Singles in one exciting night!

Single? Busy professional in the Big City? SitandDate.com Speed Dating events are a quick, fun way to meet many people face-to-face in one exciting night to see if there is chemistry!

Tired of the usual bar scene? Hate setups? Not interested in spending weeks writing to a person hiding behind a computer profile - then come have a fun night speaking with 10 to 20 other NYC Singles at one of Manhattan's nicest venues.

This event includes 2 Free drinks!

Register here:

Questions? Call (877)DATE-531

Event Details: New York Speed Dating for Single Professionals
Event Location: The Cub Room - 131 Sullivan St, (Corner of Prince St)
Event Date: Wednesday June 24
Event Time: 7:00 PM
Event Price: $40 Includes 2 Free Drinks!
Suggested Ages : 23-35

Here is How a SitAndDate.com Speed Dating Event works:

SitandDate is an efficient, effective, and fun way to meet other New York singles and decide which ones you want to see again! Here's how it works:

A group of singles in your age group - an equal number of men and women - meet at a nice lounge bar filled with tables and couches for two. When you arrive, your SitandDate host will provide you a name tag, MatchCard, and 2 free-drink vouchers.

SitandDate nights start off with a quick, warm welcome from your host and a few minutes of leisure time to grab a drink, relax, and take in the atmosphere.

When it’s time to begin, you'll have a seat at a numbered table with your first partner. Ladies will stay seated at their table and the men will rotate from one table to the next after spending 5-7 minutes in the company of each lady. Your host will signal when it is time to move on to the next date(no matter how cute they are)!

After each date, you'll ever-so-discreetly circle a "yes" or "no" next to each person's name on your MATCHcard to indicate whether you want to be in touch.

There will be another bar break at the midway point so you can recharge your batteries!

At the end of the event you will hand your MATCHcard to the host, having marked off a “YES” or “NO” next to the name of the people you have met.

Within 24 hours you will receive notification of your mutual matches and given their email addresses. The rest is up to you!!

TAGS: Speed Dating, NYC Speed Dating, New York Speed Dating, Manhattan Speed Dating, NY Speed Dating, Russian Speed Dating, Hispanic Speed Dating, Indian Speed Dating, Jewish Speed Dating, Asian Speed Dating

Official Website: http://www.sitanddate.com

Added by NYC SPEED DATING - SITANDDATE.co on June 5, 2009