3730 Washington Ave
Houston, Texas 77007

Dating Parties is Houston’s Premiere Singles Social Events Dating Community, we bring singles like you together with other singles to meet, socialize and have a great time. Join us at our next Speed Dating event at The Social on Tuesday, February 9th at 7:30 PM for:

All Single Professionals – Women 25-37 / Men 26-39

Visit www.datingparties.com to register for this event.

Cost is $35

Save $10 use Promo Code: 852-632

How it Works:
You will spend 6 minutes with each individual, during those 6 minutes you get real face to face interaction and be able to converse with each and every individual there, you came to meet. We supply you with your own personal Dating Card to keep, so that you may write down your own private personal notes about each of the individual and decide weather you would like to see them again. It’s a simple “Yes or No”.
At our speed dating events you will get to meet up to 14 other singles. This takes about 2 hours, and there’s a 20 minute intermission half way through. To give you time to mingle, visit the cash bar for a drink or just stretch your legs.
When the event is over you take your personal Dating Card home with you and the next evening log in to www.datingparties.com and enter your matches. If there is a mutual match you will receive their Email address just as they will receive yours. Then you can continue to communicate with that person.

Any Questions email us at: [email protected] or call us at: 1-866-333-0282.

Website: http://www.datingparties.com

Added by datingparties on February 2, 2010

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