18271 McDurmott West
Irvine, California 92614

Who are you?
What are you doing here?
What can you do about it?
"Why would I want to be enlightened?"

Truly, the highest work we can do for the world is culturing our own enlightenment. Elevated consciousness is contagious!

Enlightenment is the goal of every religion, yet many religions seem to be on the thousand-year plan. There is something more, here and now ... it's time to find out!

"I'm looking for some fun people to join me on a holy shortcut into a great adventure. And so I am inviting you to a very special evening when we can explore together all the joy and benefits of a more enlightened life and lifestyle."

with Ted Wentworth

Wednesday, Sept. 5
7 - 9 pm
Cost: $20

Join Ted in this deeply personal and inspirational evening as he leads you on an accelerated journey into the Divine.

There will be time for questions and answers.

We are sure you will enjoy the beneficent energy of Ted's presence.

About Ted ................

Ted Wentworth's life-long passion for enlightened consciousness led him around the world to learn from living spiritual masters. The results are now available in his book The Enlightenment Code (www.EnlightenmentCode.com). His eloquence and wisdom have landed him on The Oprah Winfrey show, Donahue, and many national news programs. His book is available on Amazon and at www.enlightenmentcode.com.

As the Founder and Editor in Chief of Enlightenment Lifestyle Magazine (www.EnlightenmentLifestyleMagazine.com) he is dedicated to encouraging, inspiring and connecting audiences to their True Nature.

Call (949) 752-5272 to Register

Added by Drjanet Woods on September 3, 2012

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